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"What I really needed was someone to reach out and help." ~Wormie


The boys in the special needs room at Senderos de Amor cannot talk, but I think if they could, they would quote Wormie from Max Lucado's Hermie video and say, "what I really needed was someone to reach out and help." It is quite evident that many people are reaching-out and helping! These boys are improving so very much thanks to the help of so many different organizations and individuals.

We would love to take this time to say thanks for being that "someone!" So many of you have responded with monetary or in-kind gifts for the boys at Senderos de Amor.

I mentioned in an earlier post that the boys needed more stimulation. A couple of very generous donors made it possible for us to purchase a 40" Samsung flat screen television and wall bracket.

We weren't sure how the boys would react to the television. Once Kelly had it mounted and connected, we played one of the Hermie dvd's by Max Lucado. Juvencio stared at the brightly-colored animation and pointed repeatedly at the tv; he said, "tele" (television) over and over. I didn't even know that he knew this word, so that was a pleasant surprise. (Mouse over the next pic to see his reaction).

While the video was playing, a particular scene caught my attention, so much so, that I rewinded it to capture these pics.

The following image is not from the Bible verse, but it really sums-up how I think the boys must feel.

Kelly and Ivan, a teenage boy at the home, hung the new tv high on the wall in the special needs room to keep it from harm. We also purchased shelving for the dvd player, binders, and microwave.

In addition to the television, we were also blessed by another huge surprise. Two visitors whom we took to the home asked, "what can we go buy today?" I immediately touched base with Kacey Bolin, an amazing young missionary who is helping with occupational therapy at the home. She sent me a list and we went shopping.

This hospital-type table was donated by Alisson and Ernie Sizemore of Mission on the Move. This table now enables Juvencio to sit at a table and eat his meals.

This art project was coordinated and completed by a new friend, CeCe. She worked with the boys at Senderos to make fun hand-print designs. With funding from our ministry, we were able to purchase plexi-glass and bolt it over the art in the computer lab.

This hammock was purchased with funds donated to our ministry for the special needs boys. I cannot tell you how excited everyone is to have this simple item. You see, little Ronaldo rarely gets out of bed. No one knows his true age - he is anywhere between 8-10 years old, drinks a bottle, sucks his thumb, wears a diaper, has to be turned to prevent bed sores, etc. This hammock enables him to sit outside.

These much needed t-shirts as well as underwear were brought to us by a friend.


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