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Guess who we saw at Prepace?


The first person that greeted us at the main gate of this special needs home in Tegucigalpa was someone we knew and dearly loved. It was a little boy that we had accepted at another children's home several years ago. I knew when I was signing my name on the paperwork that there was something wrong with him, but I felt God tugging at my heart to rescue him from the public home where he and his baby sister were living. I'll never forget when I met his sister. The employees in the nursery told me that this baby couldn't smile. I picked her up, swirled her around up in the air, and she smiled. I wouldn't smile either if I was imprisoned in a baby bed with no attention or stimulation. We are so glad that these special children are getting the extra attention they need to progress to their fullest potential.

Prepace is also a special needs home in Tegucigalpa. They receive government funding to care for approximately 40 children. Our prayer is that they will one day receive more funding to be able to accept a group of special needs boys that we deeply love.


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