Iris, a leader in our community, knew that we were interested in helping special needs children. One day, while visiting a boy and girl in a nearby community, she told me about an adult woman that needed help. So, we drove there to visit with Marla from our home church in Woodburn, KY.
We were so shocked to find the woman living in a shed on the back side of the property. Her bed consisted of a wooden base and a blanket. Near her bed was a pile of rocks and wood. The room reeked of urine because her family locks her up at night to keep her safe.
Marla discovered she needed shoes, but we hadn't brought any shoes. Marla remedied that very quickly. She discovered that they wore the same size, so Marla went back to the car, per Iris' suggestion. Iris then took the sandals to the lady and put them on her.
"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!" Isaiah 52:7